Saturday, September 15, 2012


Everyone says I'm awkward, or weird, or different. Some people take that a step further and say that I'm annoying. But I like it. I like the fact that I'm different than everyone else. I love the fact that I can make people laugh just by saying something, or making a certain face. I love that I shout out the wrong answer all the time in History, because that's how I learn. I especially love my tears that seem to start falling at the most inconvenient times.

So, to make a long story short, I love myself. Even though I rarely act like it; even though I'm constantly putting myself down, at the end of the day I love myself for me. And I'm confident in the fact that I have good friends, and that one day I will find someone to love me and marry me.

I'm going to post some interesting stuff. I'm going to sound depressed, and idiotic, and hormonal, like the teenager that I am. But I'm also going to sound overjoyed, genius, and mature, because that's how I am. So stick it out. Come along for the ride. I think that you'll enjoy my awkward-ness.

- Me