I have the best friends.
I was originally going to write a blog post about how much my life sucked, and how sad I was because of my ex-best-friend (try and say that five times fast...) decided to hate me, and how much I miss him, and blah blah blah...
But then I started texting one of my church friends. And I decided that I just couldn't make a blog post about how much my life sucked, because honestly... it doesn't. My life is pretty amazing. I have two parents that are married to each other still and live together in the same house. I have a little brother who isn't perfect (obviously) but is as close to it as an 11 year old can get. And I have great friends.
I have so many friends that I can count on it's not even funny. I can text numerous people, and they will respond, at any time of the day or night. And I know they've got my back, and they don't think I'm a loser, despite my constant wallowing and asking them to pray for me for the stupidest things (like how my ex-best friend decided to hate me.) They love me for me. Wallowing and all. Awkwardness and all.
So thanks friends...
Without you, I honestly have no idea what I would do.