Wednesday, March 13, 2013


God is teaching me a lot about patience.

I am a teenage girl. I am single. Every time I blink another one of my friends starts dating a GREAT guy or girl, and they fall in love. Teenager love, but still. Love.

Every time I tell someone about this all they say is:
1."It's okay, you'll find someone." ... probably
2. "Dating isn't that great." ... Well neither is being single
3. "I've been single for 4 months and I love it!"... Try 15 years.
4. "God has someone planned out for you." ... Yes

Now all of these points are great ones.

I WILL find someone. Dating DOES have it's cons, I'm sure. (although it's hard to tell when everyone I know is playing kissy-face with someone that seems to fit every single thing they could ever ask for in a person) Being single DOES have it's pros. (I never have to worry about impressing anyone with what I wear. Sweats and Nike shorts are comfy, don't judge) And, lastly God DOES have a wonderful, as close to perfect-for-me as a human can be, Godly man, and a great plan on how to help me avoid the most heartache on the way to him.


It's hard. It's hard watching everyone move on with their life while you just sit and eat. (You think I'm kidding, but seriously there is some type of food involved in every single church event. I promise.) It's hard to know that God has a plan, and to trust in that plan, when it feels like everyone else gets to have their perfect plan NOW. (although in reality, most of them are probably disobeying God's plan.....)

The hardest part of being single is when the boy that you love, and have loved, for as long as you can remember gets a girlfriend. And you can't be sad, because she's nice and Godly and, in reality, a really good girl for him. And plus, you don't want to be that girl. (You know, the one that makes everyone feel guilty for being happy)


Despite all the difficulty, despite all of the struggles that come with never having had a boy like you. That is worth the plan that God has for me. The heartache now is worth it. The pruning, and working on myself now, is worth it so that I'm a better spouse later. This life now is worth my life later. Having patience now is worth the reward later.


I'm pretty sure I'll make it.

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